Martina Preiner is a freelance reporter. She writes about scientific topics as well as socially relevant stories. Sometimes she combines both in one article or feature - those are in most cases her favorite projects.
VitaCurrently, she is working for several radio stations (Deutschlandfunk, WDR5), science TV shows (Quarks & Co.), online magazines ( and newspapers (Neue Zürcher Zeitung).
Always torn between social studies and science, she decided to unite her interests by becoming a science reporter. While finishing her Master’s Thesis, she started working at the Munich campus radio station M94.5 – that’s also where she developed the fascination for the spoken word journalism.
Starting from there, she had several internships in different broadcasting stations, learned to add visuals to her audio files (i.e. she was taught how to make scientific films) and started to write for the quieter media as well: online and print.
English, Spanish, able to order coffee and food in French
Recent Work
- Serie: Strahlender Alltag Martina Preiner auf WDR5
- Das Erbe der Alchemisten Martina Preiner in der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung
- Die unglaublichsten Experimente der Medizin Martina Preiner im Wunderwelt Wissen Magazin
- Fiese Biester Martina Preiner in der Süddeutschen Zeitung
- Dreckiger als nötig Martina Preiner in der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung
- Zu jeder Zeit am richtigen Ort Martina Preiner für Quarks & Co.
- Kleben – was das Zeug hält Martina Preiner auf SWR2
- Proteine beheben Gehörschäden Martina Preiner im Deutschlandfunk
- Wie Viren weit kommen können Martina Preiner für W wie Wissen
- In die Pilze gehen – in der Stadt Martina Preiner auf dradioWissen
Evolution, Neurobiologie, Optik

Tel: +49(0)15773231747