Caroline Ring is doing science journalism and evolutionary biology. And comics. She is a freelance journalist for life science topics in Berlin.
VitaCaroline Ring cherishes two passions: one for the written word, and one for all living creatures that have more than four legs.
Born and raised in Berlin, after high school she studied Biology in Hamburg (B.Sc.) and later Evolutionary Biology at Berlin’s Humboldt University (M.Sc.).
Her journalistic career started in 2006 in Dortmund, where she covered the buzz around the Soccer World Cup for the local editorial office of BILD. In 2008, while studying for her bachelor’s degree, she reported for the Financial Times Deutschland and Impulse on startups, benchmarks and business angels. As part of the Initiative Wissenschaftsjournalismus’s mentoring program, she interned at hr2 kultur and P.M. Magazin in 2010 and 2011. After completing her master’s degree, she first worked as a project manager for various research infrastructures at the Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin. From April 2017 to the end of 2018, she was an editor in the Science section at Welt/Welt am Sonntag.
She is freelancing since 2019. Her clients include P.M., Tagesspiegel, Geolino, Brigitte and
In 2020, she debuted as a nonfiction book author with „Botschafter des Lebens. Was Bäume in Städten erzählen“ (Berlin Verlag/Piper), a book about city trees. It was followed in October 2022 by „Wanderer zwischen den Welten. Was Vögel in Städten erzählen“, a book about urban birds. Both books are illustrated by her.
Recent Work
- Adenomyose: Von wegen normal! Caroline Ring in Brigitte
- Das Geschäft mit der Urzeit Caroline Ring auf
- Ein Leben im Schwebezustand Caroline Ring in der WELT AM SONNTAG
- Einer der gefährlichsten Pilze Caroline Ring auf
Evolution, Klima, Medizin, Molekularbiologie, Neurobiologie, Ökologie, Paläontologie, Polargebiete